Murray Low-Reliability Water Share

The information below provides more detail on the current water budget in the Murray system, and helps explain why no seasonal determinations against low-reliability water shares have occurred.

Click here for general information on making seasonal determinations and conditions needed to make a low-reliability seasonal determination.


The water available in the Murray water budget is significantly less than volume required to make a low-reliability water share seasonal determination for a few reasons:

  • Total Murray inflows from July to December, which are shared with New South Wales, have been about 2,570 GL below average (see graph below). 


  • Historically, the Snowy scheme provides over 500 GL per year to the Victorian Murray. While the Snowy has provided its full supplement to the Murray this season, Snowy storages are still recovering from the drought so there is no guarantee yet that the full amount can be supplied next year. We can't yet count on this full resource to support allocations to low-reliability entitlements.