High-Reliability Water Share Allocations Now at 100% in All Systems
Announcement Date: |
15 Nov 2010 |
Next Announcement Due: |
15 Dec 2010 |
Determination Data
Seasonal determinations for northern Victoria regulated river systems.
Murray |
100% |
% |
0% |
- |
Broken |
100% |
% |
100% |
- |
Goulburn |
100% |
+15% |
0% |
- |
Campaspe |
100% |
% |
52% |
- |
Loddon |
100% |
+15% |
0% |
- |
Bullarook Creek |
100% |
% |
100% |
- |
Further Information
Goulburn-Murray Water (G-MW), Resource Manager for northern Victorian water systems, today announced that all systems now have allocations of at least 100% of high-reliability water shares (HRWS).
The allocations in the Goulburn and Loddon systems have both increased from 85% HRWS to 100% HRWS. The allocation of low-reliability water shares (LRWS) in the Campaspe system has increased from 20% LRWS to 52% LRWS, and is in addition to 100% HRWS. The Broken system has 100% HRWS and 100% LRWS, which is an increase of 69% LRWS. There were no changes to allocations in the other systems.
This is the first occasion since 2001/02 that all northern Victorian water systems have had a seasonal allocation of 100% HRWS. It is the first time that the Broken system has reached its maximum possible allocation since 2005/06.
"Inflows to storages and increased tributary flows from rain in late October and early November contributed to the allocation increases announced today." said G-MW's Acting Resource Manager, Mark Bailey. "Inflows to storages increased following the recent rains, and the rivers and creeks below the storages continue to meet operating requirements. The combined impact of these factors has allowed allocations to increase."
"With the excellent resource improvements that have occurred this season, G-MW has received enquiries about the possibility of low-reliability water shares being allocated in the Goulburn and Murray systems this year", said Dr Bailey. "At present, we are concentrating on building the reserves for the 2011/12 season. Low-reliability water shares will only be allocated in the Goulburn and Murray systems when there are enough resources to allow 100% HRWS to be announced for the 2011/12 season with inflows that would be exceeded in 99 sequences out of 100 from now until the end of the 2011/12 season. It is highly unlikely either the Goulburn or Murray system will have low-reliability water shares allocated this season, because each system has a shortfall of over 1,000 GL to meeting that threshold volume."
Customers participating in the water trading market are reminded that the Murray-Darling Basin Authority has relaxed the rule controlling allocation trade from upstream of the Barmah Choke to downstream users. The ability to trade across the Barmah Choke will be regularly reviewed by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority and the relaxation may be lifted at any time during the season.
As allocations to HRWS are 100% in all northern Victorian water systems, the next allocation announcement will be issued on Wednesday 15 December 2010.